
Orange: the color to indicate caution, to go slowly, and carefully to ensure no harm is done.

Orange: a color of warning, hazard ahead.

Orange: a color of alertness so you proceed with prudence and care.

Orange: a symbolic color of joy - when a patient receives quality health care and their condition improves.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Why Doctors Malpractice Insurance Impacts Medical Care

Medical liability costs affect everyone is some way. It can affect the quality of medical care that you receive. It also impacts the cost to patients. Here are some things to look at, concerning doctors malpractice insurance.

What it is

Occasionally someone files a lawsuit against a medical professional. It may be for a number of different things. It usually concerns injury or death as a result of treatment. This can happen to any professional or organization like a hospital. Liability coverage is usually purchased to cover payment for damages.

The premiums for this type of coverage is very high. It has a big effect on current business practices. There are professionals and organizations that can no longer afford the coverage. The ones that pay for it, must pass the cost down to patients. Some states make this coverage mandatory. There are some states that do not. In those states some professionals are forced to operate without liability coverage. This is very risky.


It is not unusual for an emergency room doctor to pay $100,000 per year for coverage. Many other specialists are forced to pay two to three times that amount. The more risky the procedure, the higher the premiums will be. Some professionals have patients that may have serious illness. Neurosurgery and obstetrics are two examples.

Many physicians are becoming part of medical groups. They can get considerably less expensive premiums, this way. It is an advantage to work for a hospital or some types of managed care organization. Liability coverage can be a job benefit.

Physician malpractice insurance premiums continue to escalate at an alarming rate. Many professionals cannot afford them. This leaves a great deal of people without quality medical care. In fact they may have no medical care at all. This is especially true of emergency room professionals and higher risk specialists. This presents a crisis in urgent care.

Many urgent care and trauma centers have been forced to close their doors. You may have to drive much farther for treatment. Ambulances have to travel a great deal more distance. This can result in the loss of human life. This can affect you and your 
family. No one can predict when they may be involved in some type of accident.

Everyone is affected by doctors malpractice insurance costs. It is forcing many talented professionals to stop practicing medicine. It is affecting the quality and cost of your medical care, also. The costs must be passed on the patients. There are fewer trauma centers and emergency room centers available. You may have to drive much farther in the case of an emergency. Time is of the essence in many situations. It might be too late for many people.

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About the Author:
Searching all over the net for the best doctors malpractice insurance coverage? Get the exclusive low down on the best now in our complete physician malpractice insurance coverage guide.