
Orange: the color to indicate caution, to go slowly, and carefully to ensure no harm is done.

Orange: a color of warning, hazard ahead.

Orange: a color of alertness so you proceed with prudence and care.

Orange: a symbolic color of joy - when a patient receives quality health care and their condition improves.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Virginian Bill to RAISE Malpractice Awards Each Year

By Anita Kumar
Trial lawyers and doctors may have worked out a compromise that would raise awards in medical malpractice lawsuits $50,000 each year.
Del. David Albo (R-Fairfax) said he and Sen. Henry Marsh (D-Richmond), both attorneys, helped the two feuding sides negotiate a deal by telling them that if they didn't work out a compromise, legislators would do it for them.
Albo has introduced a bill that will increase awards from $2 million to $2.05 million July 1, 2012 and then $50,000 each year until July 1, 2031.
In the 1970s, the General Assembly capped awards in medical malpractice lawsuits at $750,000. The cap was gradually increased and capped at $2 million in 2008.
Legislators have debated for years whether to increase the amount. Some Democrats have favored an increased, but Republicans have rejected the proposals in the name of tort reform.
Albo said he thinks that members of both parties and both chambers will agree to the compromise because trial lawyers and doctors have already worked out a compromise.
Gov. Bob McDonnell (R), a lawyer, favored some increases when he was a legislator, but did criticize his Democratic gubernatorial opponent Creigh Deeds for supporting a 1999 bill that would have raised Virginia's cap on medical malpractice settlements from $1 million to $3 million.
McDonnell spokeswoman Stacey Johnson said the governor will review the new bill. "He will also be meeting with all the parties involved in the crafting of all compromise."